Postgresql 8.0 er ute

Postgresql er tilbake, større og raskere enn før. Windows brukere kan nå kjøre programvaren uten noe form for emulering. Dette gjøre at databasen blir vesentlig raskere for dem, men også for oss andre skal den nye versjonen ha bedre ytelse. I tillegg har man utvidet støtten for rollbacks og logging av transaksjoner. Hvis det mot formodning skulle oppstår en feil i databasen er det mulig å rulle den tilbake til et visst punkt i tiden og derifra kjøre alle transaksjonene på nytt. Dette vil utvilsomt være populært blandt bedritfter som bruker Oracle i dag og som ikke trenger alle funksjonene man har der. Postgresql er kjent for å være et mere avansert system enn MySQL, men har tradisjonelt ikke vært helt like rask på de aller enkleste spørringene. Pressemelding følger. From:
Subject: PostgreSQL 8.0.0 Released
Date: Wed, 19 Jan 2005 08:05:58 +0000 (GMT)


NY, NY: 19 January 2005 - The PostgreSQL Global Development group has released
version 8.0 of the PostgreSQL object-relational database management system,
building on its position as the most advanced open source database in the
world. This release includes features previously only available in the most
expensive proprietary database systems, and is expected to substantially
increase the adoption of PostgreSQL by both users and software vendors.

In addition to significant improvements in scalability, features, and
performance, PostgreSQL 8.0 demonstrates the unparalleled development speed
of open source. More than a dozen companies, including Red Hat, Fujitsu,
Afilias, Software Research Associates, Inc., 2nd Quadrant, and Command Prompt
Inc., as well as hundreds of individual developers, contributed to add more
major features to 8.0 than have been seen in any previous version.

"We are confident that these enterprise features will attract a great number
of new PostgreSQL users.", said Mr. Takayuki Nakazawa, Director of Fujitsu's
OSS Database in Software Group. "Fujitsu is proud of its sponsorship of
contributions to PostgreSQL and of its work with the PostgreSQL community. We
are committed to helping make PostgreSQL the leading Database Management

New features include:

Native Windows Support: PostgreSQL now works natively with Windows systems
and does not need an emulation layer. This provides dramatically improved
performance over previous versions, and offers a compelling alternative to
proprietary database software for independent software vendors, corporate
users, and individual Windows developers.

Savepoints: This SQL-standard feature allows specific parts of a database
transaction to be rolled back without aborting the entire operation. This
benefits business application developers who require complex transactions
with error recovery.

Point in Time Recovery: This feature allows full data restoration from the
automatic and continuously archived transaction logs. It provides a
long-sought alternative to hourly or daily backups for data-critical services
on PostgreSQL.

Tablespaces: Crucial to the administrators of multi-gigabyte data warehousing
systems, tablespaces allow the placement of large tables and indexes on their
own individual disks or arrays, improving query performance.

Improved Memory and I/O: Disk and memory usage have been optimized through
the use of the Adaptive Replacement Cache algorithm, the new background
writer, and the new vacuum delay feature. This will result in more
predictable loads and substantially more consistent performance during peak
usage times.

Javier Soltero, Chief Architect at Hyperic LLC, said, "PostgreSQL 8.0 gives us
the high degree of concurrency and throughput required by our HQ monitoring
product. Having PostgreSQL 8.0 supported natively on Windows means we can now
bundle PostgreSQL in our product and benefit from the proven scalability and
performance of PostgreSQL, as well as its license, which allows us to include
it in our distribution free of commercial obligations."

In addition to the many features bundled with the release, PostgreSQL has been
enhanced by accelerated development of add-ons and optional components over
the last year. The Slony-I replication tool and the pgPool connection
pooling/brokering utility are both already being used for high-availability
server pools. Several stored procedure languages have been added or greatly
expanded, including PL/Java, PL/J, PL/PHP and PL/Perl, while the Npgsql and
PGsqlClient .NET data providers have been enhanced to support the many new
Windows users.

For a full list and description of the many new features in 8.0, please see
our press page:

About PostgreSQL: PostgreSQL is the collective work of hundreds of developers,
building on almost twenty years of development which started at the
University of California at Berkeley. With its long-time support of an
enterprise level feature set including transactions, functions, triggers, and
subqueries, PostgreSQL is being used by many of today's most demanding
businesses and government agencies. PostgreSQL is distributed under a BSD
license, which allows use and distribution without fees for both commercial
and non-commercial applications.

To find out more about PostgreSQL or to download it, please visit:

For information about Fujitsu and Hyperic LLC, please see our press page.

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