Mandriva reddet (! / ?)

Mandriva's sjef - Arnaud Laprévote - sier i følge Le Mag IT i et intervju at Mandriva har inngått en avtale med investorer og derfor er sikret.

Det opplyses imidlertid ikke om hvem investorene er og i hvilken form Mandriva vil fortsette. Dog forsøker Laprévote å berolige Mandriva Community.

Artikkelen oversatt til engelsk (Google Translate):
After weeks of rumors of takeover that put pressure on users and employees of the group, Mandriva should finally receive the support of investors who help finance its future. Sauvant in extremis French Linux distribution most popular.

The end of the ordeal of Mandriva. The French publisher of Linux distribution now seems saved by its new CEO, Arnaud Laprévote. The company was under the threat of liquidation and especially the result of rumors that ran for several weeks on the catastrophic state of its finances.

"Today, the company has found investors who decided to invest in the company to return the group to balance and find a good business model," explained Arnaud Laprévote in an interview, and adding that "the concerns of the community and users no longer need to be." The fact remains that the DG - subject to rules of confidentiality - has not specified the identity of the investors.

Last May, a leak on the forums of the company revealed major cash flow problems and the existence of a plan resale. Among potential buyers, LightApp first, but especially Linagora, a key free society in France directed by Alexandre Zapolsky, who in a press release confirmed to be in talks with Mandriva around a form of acquisition.

The idea of a foundation set aside?

On June 14, Frederick Cuif, a founder of the Association of French-speaking users of Mandriva Linux, had his hand on his blog a note referring to other plans takeover or restructuring. Besides their Linagora - that appears in the ticket a bit more detailed - were taught that there is also a foundation project from society Wallix (French publisher specialized in Open Source Security), and accompanied by Francois Bancilhon Stanislas Wood, two former CEO of Mandriva.

Projects now combined with the past. Arnaud Laprévote explains that if "we were aware that the existence of Mandriva was threatened, it is no longer the case."

Note that Gentoo users are on the frontlines at the end of last week. On June 18, very ironically, the Association of French-speaking users of Mandriva Linux had challenged the leadership of the French Linux company to take a clear position on the future of distribution. An appeal from the heart for users who felt worried, obviously with amazement, the descent into hell of their favorite editor.

Users mobilized

In a post titled "Sustainability and Mandriva Mandriva Linux," they asked "again to the direction of Mandriva positioning" and "to present the projects continuation possible" and "to clarify the official position of the company Mandriva on ongoing projects with companies identified: Wallix, iEurope (, and LightApp Linagora (or others) ", in reference to rumors of takeover of the group by one third. Meanwhile, employees of the group claimed on Twitter not having been paid for several months. Ultra-short a tense atmosphere should be relaxed a bit in the weeks to come, if the promises of Arnaud Laprévote materialize.

Reassuring, it believes that "Mandriva today is reinventing itself", and look to the future. "We have identified new opportunities on the desktop and on servers." While cash "to strengthen existing markets, such as education."

Mandriva publishes a Linux distribution for the desktop and a server edition (Enterprise Server). It also sells on the professional segment of administration tools, like Pulse, and identity management (MDS).

Funnet via O'Reilly

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Gode nyheter. Da kan vi håpe de snart kan lansere Mandriva 2010.1 som har vært ferdig lenge.


Note that Gentoo users are on the frontlines at the end of last week

Il faut dire que les utilisateurs Mandriva sont montés au créneau en fin de semaine dernière
Eg lurer på korleis google translator klarer å omsetje Mandriva til Gentoo. Derimot har eg aldri lært fransk slik at eg ikkje veit om det finst liknande franske ord/grammatikk som er mogleg å forveksla. Dersom eg deler opp setninga klarer google det fint.

Dersom me ser bort i frå litt dårleg engelsk burde det vera ok å omsetje ord for ord ut i frå wiktionary, engelsk-kunnskap og generell språkforståing.


Min fransk begrenser seg til enkeltsetninger (jeg har lært meg å si at jeg desverre ikke snakker fransk) ;)

Google translate gir omtrentligheter som kan skape misforståelser. De gangene jeg har brukt verktøyet fra fransk har resultatet blitt bedre når jeg har oversatt til engelsk. Fra fransk til norsk er det alt for dårlig.

Å oversette en oversettelse er ikke spesielt om å gjøre, og derfor valgte jeg å skrive minst mulig på norsk. La ved Google Translation for at folk skal slippe å rote rundt, og da ønsket jeg ikke å redigere oversettelsen.

Ettersom jeg fant kun 1 kilde og alt den presenterer foreløpig kun er en påstand har det ikke mye for seg å legge ned mye jobb i det.


Det ser ut til at noen/flere av Mandriva's forretningspartnere har blitt informert mer detaljert om hvilken løsning de har kommet frem til.

De har imidlertid mottatt informasjonen under en NDA (Non-Disclosure Agreement) - eller "gag-order" om man vil.

Før eller siden kommer det lekkasjer - så Mandriva kommer nok med en pressemelding snart.


Kommentaren var vel meir tenkt på korleis omsetjingsprogram fungerer enn at ein ikkje skal stole på maskinomsetjingar. No ser eg at kven som helst kan senda inn ferdig omsette frasar for at omsetjaren skal læra. Derimot vil eg ikkje gjera dette all den tid eg ikkje kan fransk.

Eg la til ordet(?) a før que og fekk debian også som alternativ. Er det forsøk på å gjere debian, mandriva og gentoo til synonymer kanskje? Eg skulle likt å sjå koden for lærefunksjonen til google-translator.

Il faut dire a que les utilisateurs Mandriva sont montés au créneau en fin de semaine dernière

It must be said that a Debian users are on the frontlines in last weekend

Kanskje eg er litt for interessert i språk.

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