Slik ser den ut etter å ha vært hos HUMAC. Imponert

Forumet hvor ingen spørsmål er dumme, eller hvis du har et Linux- og BSD-relatert spørsmål som ikke passer i kategoriene nedenfor.

Slik ser den ut etter å ha vært hos HUMAC. Imponert

Innleggav Maci » lør 05.04.2014 2:04

Last login: Fri Apr 4 17:46:42 on console
Geirs-MacBook-Air:~ GeirMc$ sudo fdisk -l /dev/sda

WARNING: Improper use of the sudo command could lead to data loss
or the deletion of important system files. Please double-check your
typing when using sudo. Type "man sudo" for more information.

To proceed, enter your password, or type Ctrl-C to abort.

fdisk: illegal option -- l
usage: fdisk [-ieu] [-f mbrboot] [-c cyl -h head -s sect] [-S size] [-r] [-a style] disk
-i: initialize disk with new MBR
-u: update MBR code, preserve partition table
-e: edit MBRs on disk interactively
-f: specify non-standard MBR template
-chs: specify disk geometry
-S: specify disk size
-r: read partition specs from stdin (implies -i)
-a: auto-partition with the given style
-d: dump partition table
-y: don't ask any questions
-t: test if disk is partitioned
`disk' is of the form /dev/rdisk0.
auto-partition styles:
boothfs 8Mb boot plus HFS+ root partition (default)
hfs Entire disk as one HFS+ partition
dos Entire disk as one DOS partition
raid Entire disk as one 0xAC partition
Geirs-MacBook-Air:~ GeirMc$ /Developer/Tools/SetFile -a v /Volumes/Untitled
-bash: /Developer/Tools/SetFile: No such file or directory
Geirs-MacBook-Air:~ GeirMc$ man /Developer/Tools/SetFile -a v /Volumes/Untitled
/Developer/Tools/SetFile: No such file or directory
No manual entry for /Developer/Tools/SetFile
No manual entry for v
/Volumes/Untitled: No such file or directory
No manual entry for /Volumes/Untitled
Geirs-MacBook-Air:~ GeirMc$ man /Developer/Tools/SetFile -a v /Volumes/Untitled
/Developer/Tools/SetFile: No such file or directory
No manual entry for /Developer/Tools/SetFile
No manual entry for v
/Volumes/Untitled: No such file or directory
No manual entry for /Volumes/Untitled
Geirs-MacBook-Air:~ GeirMc$
Geirs-MacBook-Air:~ GeirMc$ man /Developer/Tools/SetFile -a v /Volumes/Untitled
/Developer/Tools/SetFile: No such file or directory
No manual entry for /Developer/Tools/SetFile
No manual entry for v
/Volumes/Untitled: No such file or directory
No manual entry for /Volumes/Untitled
Geirs-MacBook-Air:~ GeirMc$ man -w man /Developer/Tools/SetFile -a v /Volumes/Untitled
/Developer/Tools/SetFile: No such file or directory
No manual entry for /Developer/Tools/SetFile
No manual entry for v
/Volumes/Untitled: No such file or directory
No manual entry for /Volumes/Untitled
Geirs-MacBook-Air:~ GeirMc$ man -info /usr/share/man/man1/man.1
man: invalid option -- i
man, version 1.6c

usage: man [-adfhktwW] [section] [-M path] [-P pager] [-S list]
[-m system] [-p string] name ...

a : find all matching entries
c : do not use cat file
d : print gobs of debugging information
D : as for -d, but also display the pages
f : same as whatis(1)
h : print this help message
k : same as apropos(1)
K : search for a string in all pages
t : use troff to format pages for printing
w : print location of man page(s) that would be displayed
(if no name given: print directories that would be searched)
W : as for -w, but display filenames only

C file : use `file' as configuration file
M path : set search path for manual pages to `path'
P pager : use program `pager' to display pages
S list : colon separated section list
m system : search for alternate system's man pages
p string : string tells which preprocessors to run
e - [n]eqn(1) p - pic(1) t - tbl(1)
g - grap(1) r - refer(1) v - vgrind(1)
Geirs-MacBook-Air:~ GeirMc$ man [-adfhktwW] [section] [-M path] [-P pager] [-S list]
No manual entry for [section]
No manual entry for [-M
No manual entry for path]
No manual entry for [-P
No manual entry for pager]
No manual entry for [-S
No manual entry for list]
Geirs-MacBook-Air:~ GeirMc$
Geirs-MacBook-Air:~ GeirMc$
Geirs-MacBook-Air:~ GeirMc$
Geirs-MacBook-Air:~ GeirMc$
Geirs-MacBook-Air:~ GeirMc$
Geirs-MacBook-Air:~ GeirMc$
Geirs-MacBook-Air:~ GeirMc$ man [-adfhktwW] [section] [-M path] [-P pager] [-S list]
No manual entry for [section]
No manual entry for [-M
No manual entry for path]
No manual entry for [-P
No manual entry for pager]
No manual entry for [-S
No manual entry for list]
Geirs-MacBook-Air:~ GeirMc$ m
-bash: m: command not found
Geirs-MacBook-Air:~ GeirMc$ man -d [-adfhktwW] [section] [-M path] [-P pager] [-S list]
Reading config file /private/etc/man.conf
Looked whether there exists a message catalog man, but there is none
(and for English messages none is needed)

found man directory /usr/share/man
found man directory /usr/local/share/man
found man directory /usr/X11/man
found manpath map /bin --> /usr/share/man
found manpath map /sbin --> /usr/share/man
found manpath map /usr/bin --> /usr/share/man
found manpath map /usr/sbin --> /usr/share/man
found manpath map /usr/local/bin --> /usr/local/share/man
found manpath map /usr/local/sbin --> /usr/local/share/man
found manpath map /usr/X11/bin --> /usr/X11/man
found manpath map /usr/bin/X11 --> /usr/X11/man
found manpath map /usr/bin/mh --> /usr/share/man

using /usr/bin/less -is as pager

using /usr/bin/less -is as browser

using /bin/cat to dump HTML pages as text
path directory /usr/bin is in the config file
adding /usr/share/man to manpath

path directory /bin is in the config file

path directory /usr/sbin is in the config file

path directory /sbin is in the config file

path directory /usr/local/bin is in the config file

adding mandatory man directories

will try to write /var/cache/man/cat1/w.1.bz2 if needed
status from is_newer() = -2
using default preprocessor sequence
found tbl(1) directive

not executing command:
(cd '/usr/share/man' && /usr/bin/tbl /usr/share/man/man1/w.1 | /usr/bin/groff -Wall -mtty-char -Tascii -mandoc -c | (/usr/bin/less -is || true))
No manual entry for [section]
No manual entry for [-M
No manual entry for path]
No manual entry for [-P
No manual entry for pager]
No manual entry for [-S
No manual entry for list]
Geirs-MacBook-Air:~ GeirMc$ :-) :-)
medlem i 204 måneder

Re: Slik ser den ut etter å ha vært hos HUMAC. Imponert

Innleggav ak » lør 05.04.2014 10:28

OS X er en gren av BSD-familien , nærmere bestemt Darwin.

Mange av de samme verktøyene er implementert både på Darwin og Linux, men de fungerer ikke nødvendigvis likt, og ofte har de en litt annen syntax.

Derfor får du en hel haug med feilmeldinger når du prøver å kjøre Linux-kommandoer på et OS X system. For å finne ut hva som er riktig syntax må du lese manualen på det systemet du skal kjøre kommandoen på, e.g. man fdisk

(trykk q for å avslutte)

Brukerens avatar
medlem i 242 måneder

Re: Slik ser den ut etter å ha vært hos HUMAC. Imponert

Innleggav Maci » lør 05.04.2014 11:55

Tusen takk, adm., skal gjøre det :-) Når jeg vet noe mer, vil fortsettelse følge….

God helg!

medlem i 204 måneder

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